Getting all excited about it! Our first summer reading list is here!
This time we are keeping it concise but covering both aspects of “reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body”.
We start our summer reading list with a groundbreaking manifesto on the science and art of longevity. Spoiler alert: exercise is the most effective pro-longevity “drug”.
In turn, we have included a book that we enjoy re-reading after a while and that proves to be very stimulating to the mind. It deserves to be read more than once.
Lastly, we have a book that, among other things, highlights the most traded product in the world, semiconductors (chips) – a topic that could not be more important for the future. It is simply eye-opening and will glue your eyes to each page in very digestible short chapters.

Have a great summer!
by Peter Attia
Don’t you wish you could live longer? And improved? In this operational handbook for longevity, Dr. Peter Attia presents cutting-edge nutritional therapies, strategies for improving exercise and sleep, and instruments for addressing emotional and mental health. He does this by drawing on the most recent scientific findings.

Despite its achievements, modern medicine has made little headway in the fight against the age-related illnesses that claim the lives of most people: heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and type 2 diabetes. It intervenes far too frequently with cures that are too late to be of any use, extending life at the expense of health span or quality of life. According to Dr. Attia, we need to swap out this antiquated paradigm with a tailored, proactive approach to longevity that involves acting right now rather than waiting.
This is science, not “biohacking,” a well-researched strategy and method to extending life and enhancing our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Instead of telling you what to do, Dr. Attia wants to teach you how to think about your long-term health so that she can develop the best strategy for you specifically.

Florian’s takeaway: A groundbreaking manifesto on living better and longer that challenges the conventional medical thinking on aging and reveals a new approach to preventing chronic disease and extending long-term health, from a visionary physician and leading longevity expert.
The Why Are You Here Cafe
by John Strelecky
Three questions next to the menu of the day.
- Why are you here?
- Do you fear death?
- Are you fulfilled?
A small café in the middle of nowhere becomes the turning point in the life of John, an advertising manager who is always in a hurry.

In this book, we accompany a man in a life crisis who unexpectedly ends up in the mysterious “Café on the Edge of the World.” This extraordinary place invites reflection, self-discovery and inspiration.
It invites us to reflect on our own desires, dreams and goals. It encourages us to find our own way and make the most of our lives.

Patrick’s takeaway: “The Why Are You Here Cafe” asks profound questions and makes you reflect. It is about the search for the meaning of life, personal change and the pursuit of happiness. The simple and accessible language allows us to identify with the characters and experience their emotional journey firsthand. A book as vividly written, humorous as it is touching.
Chip War
by Chris Miller
All forms of power in the modern world, whether they be military, economic, or geopolitical, are built on computer chips. America has maintained its dominance as a superpower because it has controlled breakthroughs in computer processors and all the technology those chips have enabled. The stock market, the energy grid, and mobile gadgets are all powered by chips.

However, due to the naïve assumption that America’s interests will be served by the globalization of the chip industry and the outsourcing of manufacturing to Taiwan, Korea, and Europe, that edge is now in danger of vanishing. China, which spends the most money on chips of any country, is currently pouring billions in a chip-building Manhattan Project to catch up to the US.
Chris Miller, an economic historian, describes the fascinating sequence of events in Chip War that helped the US develop chip design. He also talks about how quicker processors rendered the Soviet Union’s arsenal of precision-guided weapons obsolete, which led to their defeat.
As a result of their reliance on foreign chips, China’s largest external weakness is that they spend more money importing chips than they do purchasing oil. However, with Taiwan producing 37% of the world’s chips and being within easy striking distance of Chinese missiles, the West is concerned that a solution may be at hand.

Thierry’s takeaway: The conflict over control of this sector will determine our future.