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The arvy savingsplan: The revolution in investing for beginners

Investing can be an exciting way to grow your wealth and achieve financial goals. However, for many beginners, the do-it-yourself approach can be an overwhelming challenge. It requires time to build up the necessary knowledge and even more time and discipline to monitor and adjust your own investments. But what are the alternatives?

Currently, there are essentially two solutions: Do-it-yourself and Do-it-for-me.

Do-it-yourself (DIY):

With the do-it-yourself approach, you must make all decisions yourself and manage your portfolio independently. This means you need to invest time and effort to educate yourself about different asset classes, markets, and companies. You select your own stocks, funds, or other investments and regularly monitor their performance.


  • Control: You have full control over your investments and can adjust them as you see fit.
  • Flexibility: You can choose your investments according to your own preferences and goals.
  • Learning Opportunities: You can learn a lot about investing and finance by deeply engaging with your investments.
  • Cost-effective: Excluding your own time, this is the most cost-effective way to invest your money.


  • Time-consuming: Searching for the right investments and regularly monitoring them requires a lot of time and effort.
  • Risk: Without sufficient experience and expertise, there is a higher risk of making wrong decisions.
  • Stress: Constantly monitoring your investments can lead to stress and uncertainty, especially in turbulent market phases.

Do-it-for-me (DIFM):

The do-it-for-me solution involves entrusting a bank or robo-advisor to invest your assets for you. You provide your investment goals and preferences, and the bank or robo takes responsibility for selecting and managing your investments.


  • Convenience: You don’t have to worry about selecting and managing your investments yourself.
  • Professional Expertise: The bank or advisor has expertise and experience in investment management.
  • Time-saving: You can use your time for other things while someone else takes care of your investments.


  • Costs: The services of a financial advisor or bank may come with additional fees.
  • Transparency: In most cases, you don’t understand how your money is being invested, which increases the risk of losing trust and turning away from investing.
  • Trust Issue: You have to trust that the bank or advisor has your best interests in mind and acts in line with your investment goals.

In this context, the arvy savingsplan is an innovative solution that combines the best of both worlds. We offer a simple “Do-it-together” investment platform that provides the benefits of professional wealth management while allowing you to maintain full visibility of your investments.

How does Do-it-together work?

Do-it-together (DIT) is an innovative investment strategy that combines the best of both worlds. With this solution, you work with a professional team of financial experts who manage your investments. At the same time, you maintain full transparency by being thoroughly informed about your investments, ensuring you always know how your money is being invested and that it’s in good hands.


  • Professional Expertise: You benefit from the expertise and experience of professional investors who share their knowledge with you.
  • Time-saving: You don’t have to constantly manage your portfolio, as we take care of that for you.
  • Control and Transparency: You retain control over your investments and receive regular updates on the status of your investments.
  • Trust and Learning: With our short and informative videos and reports, we provide you with background information on your investments, so you truly understand which companies you are investing in and why.


  • Costs: Unfortunately, we are not robots and require some food and a roof over our heads to live, so we are slightly more expensive than robo-advisors.
  • Dependence on External Decisions: You rely on the expertise and decisions of us.

What is the arvy Savingsplan?

The arvy Savingsplan is our simple and transparent Do-it-Together solution for anyone looking to plan their financial future without dealing with complicated investment decisions. Our goal is to give you the opportunity to invest in your wealth without constantly having to worry about it. We take care of the work for you and invest your money according to your risk profile.

How does it work?

  1. Account opening at Hypothekarbank Lenzburg: Since we are not a bank, you need an account with our partner bank, Hypothekarbank Lenzburg in the beautiful Aargau region. Account opening is quick and easy – all you need is your ID or passport and your smartphone. Thanks to our digital solution, everything is done in just 10 minutes, without the hassle of printing documents or sending them by post.
  2. Determination of your risk appetite: To manage your investments according to your risk profile, you need to answer some questions so we can better understand your financial situation. Based on your answers, we suggest an investment solution, but you always have control and can adjust your profile as you wish.
  3. Setting up the standing order: Once you have opened your account and defined your risk profile, you will receive your IBAN from Hypothekarbank Lenzburg. Now you can easily set up your standing order and lean back. We take care of the rest while you can focus on the things that really matter to you.

The arvy savingsplan allows you to invest with minimal effort and grow on your path to financial goals. We not only accompany you on this journey but also share exciting stories and anecdotes about the companies in your portfolio over time. This way, you get to know your portfolio better over time and feel more confident with your investments, even in turbulent times. Dare to take the first step towards a financially successful future with the arvy savingsplan today.

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